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Foster Kids Need Holiday Cheer

Donate Today, Make a Difference in a Foster Child's Life

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Here Come The Holidays | Can You Help Support Jose's Closet?

Help us give a new OUTFIT, give a GIFT, give a SMILE!

We have people every day tell us we are amazing for saying yes to these kids. For saying yes to a big sibling group when our house was already full. Saying yes to kids who desperately need a safe family. But we couldn’t say yes without the amazing people that support us! Jose's Closet Organization has helped us so many times. They have opened for me on days they were supposed to be closed. I have had them drop off items to my door for me when I couldn’t get away. They have truly made it possible for us to say yes to so many amazing kids.
Thank you for all you do to support the people saying yes to these kids!

-Foster Mom, Brook G.

In 2013, I decided to become a foster parent to a young boy I had met in my classroom. I didn't realize how many children needed a home, needed help recovering from trauma, or just needed something to make them feel special. These harsh realizations would change my life. I spent too many years on the sidelines, I decided, NO more! These kids NEED us, need me!!! So, my family grew and grew, up to six kids and counting! It's not a glamorous job; it doesn't pay enough to cover the cost of raising a kid, the number of meetings and doctor visits is mind-boggling, and the difficulty of providing each of those kids the 'same' support is incomprehensible!

I was steered toward Jose's Closet by a friend after my fourth adoption. I didn't know how essential this group of amazing volunteers would be to my growing family. I remember thinking, "WHY on Earth didn't I know about this extraordinary resource until now?!?!".

Jose's Closet immediately outfitted every one of my kids head to toe! Adopted or foster, it didn't matter. Other resources out there only cater to foster, not adopted, kids, so I couldn't believe my good fortune in finding this gem of a place! It was right before school started; I had 4 adopted and 3 foster kids heading to school. I had saved just enough for each one to have the bare minimum...then came this unbelievable blessing of Jose's Closet Organization! Wendy picked a backpack, asked each child's preference, and filled it with school supplies for EVERY ONE of my children. ALL 7! I cried.

Foster, adoptive, and kinship parents have BIG hearts, just not big wallets. Without Jose's Closet, over the years, my children would have had less. Less than they deserve. Love is never lacking in our home, and now, nothing else is either, thanks to Jose's Closet and their amazing mission! We are so grateful!

Sue is the mother of 6 amazing adopted kids and many foster kids, past and present.

Jose's Closet regularly serves upwards of 500 children per month, and we are growing rapidly. Foster children arrive at their foster homes with nothing except the clothes they are wearing. The personal items they may have become attached to in their home are left behind, which is often a traumatic experience for the children. Infants don't come with necessities like strollers, blankets, diapers, formula, and clothes, and that is where Jose's Closet comes in to help fill in these gaps for these families. This relieves the caregivers' stress so they can focus on creating a bond and a better experience with the new foster child.

Foster, kinship, and adoptive families drive from all over Arizona to come to Jose's Closet, where we offer a food and diaper bank, clothing items of every size, from socks and underwear to seasonal clothing items, and even Halloween costumes. Additionally, we carry toys, books, and hygiene supplies and offer special support and gift-giving throughout the year, especially during the holiday season.

Jose's Closet is volunteer run, many of whom have such a passion for our mission that they show up regularly to help keep our operations going. We couldn't keep going without our volunteers and the support of donations like the one we are asking you to make today.

Your generous donation not only goes to help foster, adoptive, and kinship families during the Holidays but ALSO is eligible for the Arizona QFCO Tax Credit!

Arizona allows you to make donations directly to qualifying organizations and receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against your Arizona State Income Tax liability.* Arizona allows you to choose to pay the state or donate directly to the qualified charitable organization of your choice. As a Qualified Foster Care Organization for the 2023 tax year, you can donate $526 (individual) or $1,051 (married, filing jointly) to Jose's Closet as an Arizona Tax Credit Donation.

Wouldn't you instead direct your tax dollars directly to Jose's Closet to help Arizona's most vulnerable children? Donate to a Qualified Charitable Foster Care Organization - and claim a dollar-for-dollar credit when their annual taxes are due!

Thank you for supporting Jose's Closet; a receipt for your donation will be furnished to you soon.

Jose's Closet was recently featured on 12 News, watch here to see the impact of your dollars and why giving matters.

Jose's Closet can only operate with the assistance of generous people like you. Thank you for your support!